The GMT is recognized as a non-profit organization and represents the interests of German companies and research institutions in the field of marine technology nationwide to the public and political decision-makers.
An essential goal of GMT is the close networking and cooperation with regard to the economy and science of marine technology.
With GMT membership, companies and scientific institutions have a technically specific, high-quality network characterized by individuality and personality.
Collaboration in the various internal GMT working groups makes it possible to jointly promote innovative technologies and actively shape future research priorities, international standards and economic policy framework conditions.
During the GMT network meeting "Meet the Members" companies and scientific institutions from the circle of members introduce themselves several times a year.
The GMT positions the topics of the maritime technology in the ministries and authorities of the federation and the countries. She has u.a. co-design the Maritime Research Program and the new funding directive Real-time Technologies for Maritime Security. Currently, GMT is actively involved in updating the Maritime Agenda and the concepts of the National Maritime Conferences.
Members are informed about tenders, delegation trips and cross-industry activities.
GMT members benefit from special rates at lectures and maritime conferences, e.g. International Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference (OMAE).
Members can use special offers such as trade fair joint stands (including the joint stand "German Maritime Technologies" since 2006 at the SMM in Hamburg) and exhibitions. At many fairs and conferences, GMT is also represented as a representative of its members.
GMT has a media partnership with the trade magazines Schiff & Hafen and Ship & Offshore. GMT members have the opportunity to publish publications in these two journals.
GMT works with maritime associations and organizations to engage members in joint activities.
Members are informed on a quarterly basis by means of a GMT-Newsletter about all activities of GMT.
We would be happy to welcome you as a new member of GMT and are available to answer your questions at any time.
Become a Member!
To apply for a membership the following documents are available for download: